Kyphosis: Types, Causes, And Treatments For This Troublesome Back Condition

A noticeable hump on you or your teenage child's upper back may be a sign of a potentially serious problem called Kyphosis. This spinal condition sometimes makes it difficult to walk or perform daily activities without pain. However, you or your child don't have to live with Kyphosis and there are ways to lessen or correct the problem. Here are some things you should know about this orthopedic problem as well as how it can be corrected.

Factors That Influence When To Have A Joint Replacement

Joint replacement surgery can be the final treatment approach for people with various forms of degenerative arthritis. Selecting the right time to have a joint replacement can prevent the need for another replacement later and avoid premature surgery or complications in some people. Type Of Arthritis Although joint replacements may be done for any form of arthritis, the outcomes for severe osteoarthritis are generally better than for people with severe inflammatory arthritis.

Living With Shoulder Pain? Signs That It Could Be Serious

If you do a lot of lifting and lowering in your line of work, it's pretty normal for you to have shoulder pain. It takes a lot of muscle power to constantly raise your arms above your head, and if you do this on an everyday basis, it's easy to see why the discomfort sets in from periodically. However, if you've been dealing with the pain for some time, you might not realize that you have a serious medical issue on your hands.

Treatment Options For Arthritis Of The Thumb

You might not think much about your thumbs, but if one of them is bothering you, you'll rapidly find that it's difficult to do many tasks that you do every day. For example, activities like turning a doorknob, opening a jar, and even tying your shoes can become excruciating. Arthritis of the thumb is a common cause of this type of pain, and it tends to affect women over the age of 40.

Scheduled For Foot Surgery? 3 Steps To Help The Recovery Process

If you're scheduled for foot surgery, now's the time to prepare for the recovery period. Since all foot surgeries are different, your doctor will be able to provide you with specific post-operative instructions for your condition. However, in addition to those instructions, there are some simple things you can do to speed up the recovery process, and keep you comfortable while you're healing – especially during those first few days following surgery.